Well, this month is all about breaks because I've been taking them and they are necessary. Long breaks, short breaks, calm down breaks, all of it is so necessary and a lot of times it may feel wrong to take them or not the right time because of X, Y and Z.
The last time I sent out a newsletter was in September. I didn't plan for this long of a break but it's what was necessary due to my circumstances. I've been doing IVF for over a year and have had quite the road. Going through the ups and downs of IVF while still working full-time in a very stressful job as an elementary school counselor for 3 schools while working with my private clients didn't leave much room for anything else.
So embrace the break. Encourage your kids and students to take breaks- from school work, from social media, from friendships, from sweets, from an emotional overload. It's such a valuable lesson to learn. When we view breaks as positive and necessary, and not something that's bad. a punishment and/or to be looked down upon, people of all ages will thrive. Some breaks can be five minutes and some breaks can be 8 months. There is no right or wrong when it comes to taking breaks and doing what's right for you.