I'm so excited to be part of the first XO Parenting Conference that is all online. The topics include food, sleep, behavior, emotional development, self-care and marriage. This conference is a steal at $40 and will be going up to $60 on October 20th. You have lifetime access once you purchase so you can listen/watch when it's convenient for you.
Reframing Behavior so You Can Understand & Support Your Child by Lauren Pace
Attachment-based approach to helping babies and toddlers get better sleep (when sleep is better, everything improves) by Christine Lawler, MS, LMFT, Baby Sleep Expert
The hidden function of behavior all parents should know by Wendy Bertagnole MA Special Education
How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset for Your Kids by Fallyn Smith, MSW
Helping your Children Navigate Strong Emotions by Lauren Pace, MS
Overcoming Bedtime Battles (older) by Kerry Secker, Infant Sleep Consultant
When Someone Attacks Your Parenting by Jessica Millburn, RECE, BCD
How to Reduce Picky Eating in Kids, One Brussel Sprout at a Time" by Malina Malkani, RDN, MS, CDN
Keeping Marriages Strong After Kids by Christine Lawler, MS, LMFT
How to engage in self-care in motherhood and ditch the mom guiltBy Ashurina Ream, L
Soul Care: Honoring and Refreshing the Soulby Talesha Carter, BSW